We can help you establish a single source of truth for product data by implementing SAP DMS across your enterprise!
LeverX has a proven reputation for excellence and expertise implementing SAP Document Management System (DMS) and with our global delivery services can offer this cost effective pilot to your company. LeverX is a SAP Services Partner specializing in implementations of SAP PLM, SAP SCM and related SAP solutions. LeverX offers education, business and process consulting, solution architecture, implementation planning and execution, as well as near/off-shore development and application support services.
In these uncertain economic times, your company can no longer waste time and money searching for product data or using out of date information. We can help you leverage your investment in SAP solutions to establish an enterprise-wide and global single source of product information.
To support SAP customers evaluate the value of SAP DMS for their company, even in today’s economic climate, LeverX is offering a limited and fixed cost pilot implementation of SAP DMS for $15,000.
Customer responsibilities: Provide business resources to do analysis and requirements gathering, provide a sandbox/test SAP system, provide sample documents, provide remote access to systems for configuration and demonstrations, and review demonstrations and material when completed.
LeverX responsibilities: Initial project prep, complete initial business analysis and requirements gathering, document business requirements, complete configuration in customer sandbox system (optionally hosted LeverX system), provide demonstrations of configured solution, document basic SAP DMS transactions and execution of configured process, configure business scenarios, provide demonstration AVI files (movies) of configured solution for knowledge transfer and later demonstration purpose, create initial sample data in the system for test execution, complete basic training on SAP DMS and configured solution to a number of users, discussion of standard security options available with SAP DMS, setup simple document approval workow to demonstrate capabilities, configured SAP Web Documents for web viewing of documents, install Easy DMS on a local client machine, develop roadmap and document for further implementation of SAP DMS, create high level project plan for first implementation from roadmap, and discussion around infrastructure topics (content server and cache server).
Project Limitations: Standard SAP DMS is to be used. No ABAP enhancements included. Configuration will include up to three unique document types and associated rules. One workow will be created to demonstrate capabilities. No setup of security roles. All infrastructure components to be handled by customer. All work completed in customer sandbox environment through remote access. Additional limitations, requirements and project details explained in project Statement of Work. LeverX reserves the right to change or discontinue this offer at any time.
For more information, contact us at +1 (650) 969-4405 or visit our website at www.LeverX.com

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